Moving More Ethanol Exports

Cindy Zimmerman

U.S. ethanol exports are setting records this year and that is due at least in part to the efforts of the U.S. Grains Council ethanol advisory team, chaired this year by Jim Glavin, CEO of Lakeview Energy. Galvin spoke at the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) annual conference last week in Omaha about some of the global headwinds and tailwinds …

ACE, Audio, Corn, Ethanol, USGC

NE Gov Highlights Value-Added Ag and Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts highlighted Nebraska value-added agriculture efforts during a press conference at the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) annual conference held in Omaha. “The ethanol industry is a prime example of how we can add value to the agriculture commodities that we grow right here in Nebraska,” said Governor Ricketts. “Through the process of turning corn into ethanol, …

ACE, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, Video

30th Annual ACE Conference Underway

Cindy Zimmerman

Members of the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) have gathered in Omaha for the organization’s 30th annual conference this week, with the theme “Tested. Proven. Driven.” Executive Vice President Brian Jennings says the industry has a lot to celebrate. “We are on the precipice of opportunity in a lot of areas,” he said. “We’ve made as much progress as this …

ACE, Audio, Corn, Ethanol

Busy Week for Ag on the Hill

Cindy Zimmerman

National Ag Week was a busy one for agriculture on Capitol Hill. National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) First Vice President Kevin Skunes of North Dakota spent the week visiting Congressional offices on behalf of both the corn growers and the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE). “Ethanol is our number one priority,” said Skunes. “We need to have this outlet for …

ACE, Audio, Corn, Ethanol, NCGA

Farm Broadcaster Wins Ethanol Media Award

Cindy Zimmerman

Tom Riter of WNAX in Yankton, SD was awarded this year’s American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) Excellence in Media award at last week’s annual meeting in Omaha. Riter is pictured here receiving the award from ACE Director of Communications Chuck Beck. Riter is a veteran farm broadcaster and a native of Rock Rapids, Iowa. He is a regular contributor to …

ACE, Ethanol, Media, NAFB

Busy Year for America’s Renewable Future

Cindy Zimmerman

It was only eight months ago that America’s Renewable Future (ARF) was launched in Iowa with the goal of educating presidential candidates about agriculture and biofuels in general and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) in particular. But what the coalition has accomplished in that short time has been so impressive that the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) recognized them with …

ACE, Audio, Ethanol, Livestock, politics

America’s Renewable Future Talks to Trump

Cindy Zimmerman

America’s Renewable Future (ARF) is less than one year old, but has already made an impact when it comes to educating presidential candidates about the importance of agriculture and renewable fuels. Eric Branstad, son of Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, was one of the main organizers of the coalition which just launched in January of this year. “Since then we’ve been …

ACE, Audio, Biofuels, Ethanol, politics

Grains Council Chair Stresses Excellence in Exports

Cindy Zimmerman

Nebraska farmer Alan Tiemann was recently elected chairman of the U.S. Grains Council and he is excited about the work they are doing to expand exports of ethanol and the co-product Distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) used for livestock feed. “For this coming year, my theme is ‘Excellence in Exports,’” said Tiemann during an interview after his address to …

ACE, Audio, Corn, Ethanol, Exports, Feed, Grains, USGC

Minnesota Congressman at Ethanol Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Coalition for Ethanol meeting in Minneapolis this week honored Congressman Collin Peterson of Minnesota with its highest award for supporters of ethanol, the Merle Anderson award. Anderson, known to many as the Father of Ethanol, presented Peterson with the award, as well as an ethanol lapel pin and a big five dollar contribution for his campaign. Peterson says …

ACE, Audio, Corn, Ethanol