Johanns In Madagascar

Chuck Zimmerman

USDAOur Secretary of Ag, Mike Johanns was in Madagascar this past week. I wish they’d invited AgWired to go along. Cindy and I sponsor a child in Madagascar through CFCA and I’ve wanted to visit him and his family. Anyway, it looks like our secretary got some work done there.


What Will Happen In Hong Kong

Chuck Zimmerman

World Trade OrganizationDon’t say it Supachai. We want to see something accomplished in Hong Kong. I’ve already been to one WTO Ministerial (Seattle) when nothing was accomplished. It just goes to show you how difficult it is and always will be to get hundreds of countries to agree on anything. The World Trade Organization is planning a conference later this year in Hong Kong and AgWired is hoping to cover it. Let’s just hope we have something to cover!


New Podcasting Info

Chuck Zimmerman

PodcastingI thought you might be interested in some new information about podcasting. Although you can debate the current statistics and maybe you don’t want to download and listen to audio wherever and whenever you want, a lot of people are doing it and I think it’s a great public relations tool!


Obesity Warning Labels A Joke

Chuck Zimmerman

Food Products AssociationHere’s something I totally agree with. The whole idea that just by putting a label on foods we’ll somehow eliminate obesity is ludicrous. To start with don’t think obesity is some new problem in America. It’s just another scare story because the mainstream media has to find something to shock us with. No one ever talks about personal responsibility anymore. Let’s just blame the food companies and the people who grow food for the fact that we can’t stop eating.

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