CIRB Protecting the Crop Insurance Industry

Cindy Zimmerman

With a new Congress and a new administration, there are lots of new people who need to be educated about the importance of crop insurance and CIRB has its work cut out for it this year.

“Obviously we are hoping to get a farm bill again this year,” said Tara Smith, Deputy Executive Vice President of the Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau (CIRB) at the organization’s annual meeting this week in Bonita Springs, Florida. “I think we’re also in a very different environment than we’ve been in and we’re seeing a lot of potential for folks to attack the program. So we’re very much prepared to play defense, to protect and preserve the program moving forward.”

Smith was pleased to see the large turnout at this year’s annual meeting and is looking forward to having the members of the 2024-25 Emerging Leaders Program on Capitol Hill in April. “We’ve got to tell our story, and the only way to do that is boots on the ground and having folks that live and breathe this stuff every day, talking about why it matters in these different districts and to these Members and their constituents.”

Learn more in this interview:
Interview with Tara Smith, CIRB (2:52)

2025 CIRB Annual Meeting Photo Album

Audio, CIRB, Crop Insurance