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ZimmCast 741 – Clean Fuels in 2025

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCastHello and welcome to the ZimmCast.

While Cindy was home during the major snow storm in Florida I was attending the Clean Fuels Conference in San Diego, CA. The weather was delightful for the conference. However, in the Pensacola, FL area there was eight to ten inches of snow, something that hasn’t happened in over 150 years! But it has all melted and we’re mostly back to normal.

So, let’s talk about clean fuels. We created a virtual ag newsroom once again for the conference that used to be named the National Biodiesel Conference. It was the first one we created many years ago. You can find that newsroom with photos, interviews and session audio right here.

In this episode I’m going to share some of the interviews I did. So, let’s get started. First up I interviewed Kent Engelbrecht, ADM, serving as Chairman of the Clean Fuels Alliance America. Following him is Kurt Kovarik, VP of Government Affairs, Clean Fuels; then Tom Verry, Director of Outreach and Development; and to close things up I interviewed Donnell Rehagen, CEO, Clean Fuels.

In addition to the virtual ag newsroom on AgNewsWire we also posted content onto the Clean Fuels Conference Blog which you can find here.

Now that I’ve been catching up I’m getting ready for the CattleCon 2025 working with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. At the same time Cindy will be at the Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau annual meeting. It’s just that busy time of the year.

Listen to the episode here:
ZimmCast 741 - Clean Fuels in 2025 (18:01)

That’s the ZimmCast for now. Please let us know if you have ideas for a future podcast. Just email Chuck at

We hope you enjoyed it and thank you for listening.

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Ag Groups, Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Clean Fuels Alliance, Energy, ZimmCast