RFA Ethanol Podcast

BLUE Homogeneous Granular Fertilizer Introduced

Cindy Zimmerman

Timac Agro USA and Rainbow Plant Food have collaborated to bring a new generation of fertilizer efficiency tools to the agricultural market.

“BLUE is a new fertilizer efficiency tool harnessing the innovation and technology of Timac Agro USA and elevating the high-quality precision nutrients and micronutrients offered by Rainbow Plant Food so that ultimately growers can realize higher profitability and higher performance with a layer of protection to help be more environmentally sensitive,” explains Michael Pisciotta, Timac Agro USA Director of Agronomy, Southern US.

BLUE fertilizer products are comprised of superior homogeneous granular technology and a mixture of natural substances that benefit agronomic production. They work to maximize peak performance from the soil to the plant and can be used as a singular source for all necessary nutrients, or as part of a blend to reap the benefits of enhanced fertilizer efficiency across every acre. BLUE grade products can be used in a variety of field situations such as pre-plant, bedded fertilizer, and top-dress.

Pisciotta says BLUE offers significant environmental benefits as well. “BLUE is a tool for service to not only growers but to the environment. Farmers have to be environmentalists at their heart because ultimately if we don’t preserve the soil and the land we’re not going to be able to farm the next generation,” he said.

Learn more in this interview with Piscotta:
Interview with Michael Pisciotta, Timac Agro USA 11:04

Watch the video below to learn more about BLUE:

Find additional media assets here: bluefertilizer.ag/media

Audio, Fertilizer, Video