- Deputy Secretary Dr. Jewel Bronaugh announced that she is leaving the Department of Agriculture in the weeks ahead to spend more time with her family. Her service, presence and leadership will be sorely missed. She has been an incredible partner over the last two years, and she has been instrumental in helping the department seize opportunity and address a host of challenges.
- Delegates at the National Cotton Council’s upcoming annual meeting will review and approve resolutions to help U.S. cotton’s central organization guide the U.S. cotton industry in the coming year. At this forum, set for February 10-12 at the Fairmont Hotel in Dallas, Texas, industry representatives from the 17 cotton-producing states and all seven industry segments will establish policies reflecting common interests and promoting mutual benefits for its broad membership and ancillary industries.
- GROWMARK, Inc. announced the acquisition of Allied Seed, LLC., based in Nampa, Idaho. Allied Seed offers a full line of forage, turfgrass, and cover crop seed as well as custom production, blending, packaging, and seed treatment services.
- The nation’s leading agriculture experts and well-known personalities will be featured on the Main Stage during the 2023 Commodity Classic held March 9-11 in Orlando. The Main Stage, presented by Successful Farming and Commodity Classic, is located right on the trade show floor. Presentations are scheduled during trade show hours, and highlights of the Main Stage line-up for 2023 include: Strategies for Success: Where’s the Market Going? with Farm Credit and Kluis Commodity Advisors; Cashing In On Carbon with Garth Boyd of Context Network, sponsored by Truterra; How to Make the Most Success with XtremeAg, sponsored by FMC Corporation; Bring Soil Health to Life, sponsored by Ducks Unlimited; and Generation Next: A Retiring Couple’s Journey to Find a Successor to the Family Farm, presented by Syngenta.
- The World Food Prize Foundation has named Terry Branstad, a former Iowa governor and U.S. ambassador to China, as its next president.
- The Propane Education & Research Council announces its 2023 Propane Farm Incentive Program, which provides financial incentives of up to $5,000 toward the purchase of qualifying propane equipment — including irrigation engines, power generators, agricultural building and water heating systems and flame weed control systems.
- The two groups that comprise Minnesota Soybean earned nine first-place awards at the National Agri-Marketing Association’s (NAMA) Region 3 Awards Jan. 19 in Minneapolis.
- Southern States Cooperative is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2023 with events focused on its customers and employees. The agricultural cooperative operates in eight states across the Southeastern U.S. with more than 100 Southern States Cooperative branded retail locations.
- The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol announced the membership of American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. (AEO). AEO is a leading global specialty retailer offering high-quality, on-trend clothing, accessories and personal care products through its American Eagle, Aerie, OFFL/NE by Aerie, Todd Snyder and Unsubscribed brands.
- Silent Shade Planting Company is the 2023 winner of Farm Journal’s annual Top Producer of the Year award. The operation, led by Jeremy and Elizabeth Jack, Stacie Kroger and Willard and Laura Lee Jack, is based in Belzoni, Miss., and includes 11,500 acres of soybeans, corn, cotton and rice, as well as a trucking company. The team also includes 10 full-time and 10 seasonal employees.
- Beginning February 7, Farm Action and a coalition of organizations representing agriculture, health, faith, academia, conservation, labor, and animal welfare will co-host the Food Not Feed Summit in Washington, D.C., with participants across the country joining virtually. The Summit brings together a first-of-its-kind coalition of diverse perspectives to demonstrate the need and momentum to fundamentally change America’s agriculture policies ahead of 2023 Farm Bill negotiations.
- Agri-Pulse is pleased to welcome the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives as the Platinum sponsor for the 2023 Ag & Food Policy Summit. The summit offers in-person and virtual attendance options on March 20. This year’s theme is “Next-gen farm and food policy.”