RFA Ethanol Podcast

Registration Open for 2023 VISION Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

Registration is now open for the 2023 VISION Conference January 17 – 18 at the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa in Arizona.

The VISION Conference is where North America’s precision agriculture and digital farming industry ecosystem meet to address emerging technology and data trends that will transform agribusiness with a focus on the next 3 – 5 years. With the theme “Harnessing the Power of Agriculture 4.0
– Turning Innovation Into Reality,” the two-day program is built around key topics that are driving Agriculture 4.0: virtual cropping systems, autonomy, AI, climate smart ag, vertical farming, weather mapping, precision bio controls, imagery and more.

Early registration discounts are available through November 18.

AgWired Precision, Media, Precision Agriculture