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FMC Out in Front at #NAFB19

Chuck Zimmerman

The FMC and FLM/Harvest team was out in force at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) annual convention last week in Kansas City. FMC has been a long time sponsor of NAFB’s centerpiece event Trade Talk and always a great supporter of farm broadcasting.

At the FMC Trade Talk booth this year, Brandon Schrage and Matthew Wiggins were busy doing interviews about weed control, trending insects and diseases in 2019, and what’s new with FMC. You can find interviews with both of them on the AgNewsWire virtual newsroom from NAFB.

In this video from NAFB, Schrage discusses how growers can regain the upper hand on weeds in 2020; and what insect and diseases were trending in 2019, including tar spot and soybean gall midge.

Agribusiness, Audio, Crop Protection, FMC, NAFB, Video