2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

2019 Ag Media Summit/IFAJ Congress Underway

Chuck Zimmerman

2019 Ag Media Summit/IFAJ CongressThis year the Ag Media Summit is combined with the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress in Minneapolis, MN. This brings about 150 international ag journalists to the Ag Media Summit. The programs overlap with attendees being able to register for just one or the other events or the full meal deal.

During the IFAJ business meeting the Livestock Publications Council was approved to become an affiliate member of IFAJ. Until now only AAEA, The AgComm Network, was the official U.S. member guild. This means that members of AAEA and LPC will now be members of IFAJ!

A virtual ag newsroom is live now on AgNewsWire.com and is being made possible by FMC and will included activity photos as well as interviews.

2019 AMS/IFAJ Congress Photo Album