It’s time to nominate for the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Farm Broadcaster of the Year, the Horizon Award, and the Dix Harper Meritorious Service Award. The process is starting earlier this year to allow all members more time to consider the applicants you deem worthy of these high honors. Your nominations should be carefully chosen, using the criteria listed below.
Farm Broadcaster of the Year
Horizon Award*
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These two awards are given based on professional excellence demonstrated in these specific areas:
On-air broadcasting (including news, markets, weather, or special reports)
Leadership in broadcast programming, promotion, and marketing at station/network
Community involvement and leadership
NAFB involvement
* Broadcast Council members with five years or less experience are eligible for the Horizon Award.
Nominate a deserving Broadcast Council member or yourself for either award by filling out the online form by Friday, July 26, 2019.
Winners will be announced Friday, November 15, at the 2019 NAFB Convention Awards Luncheon.
Dix Harper Meritorious Service Award
This is the highest honor NAFB presents an Allied Industry or Management & Sales Council member who has demonstrated exemplary and committed service to NAFB. The award will be presented Thursday, November 14, at the 2019 NAFB Convention Night of Honors Celebration banquet.