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Precision Ag Bytes 1/9

Carrie Muehling

  • Syngenta has joined the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research’s (FFAR) Crops of the Future Collaborative as an executive committee participant.
  • Legion Bio Chem recently announced the launch of its newest product, EnduraSeed™, adding to the robust EnduraGro™ biologicals product line. Legion’s GroWell™ Solutions include FasGro™ starter fertilizers, ZenaGro™ micronutrients, FortiGro™ foliar nutrients, and EnduraGro microorganisms and bio-stimulants.
  • 2019 U.S. EPA regulations require all applicators of dicamba herbicide products to complete dicamba-specific training even if you took it last year. Register now to complete the training requirement while at the Farm Futures Summit or Boot Camp. Participants completing this training will receive a certificate following the session. Farmers can get free dicamba training January 23 or 24 as part of their Farm Futures Ag finance Boot Camp and Farm Futures Business Summit registrations. The Farm Futures Boot Camp held January 23, and the Summit, held January 24 -25 at the Coralville Marriott Conference Center in Iowa City, Iowa.
  • South Dakota State University (SDSU) Extension will host 2019 No-Till event, titled Integrating Livestock, Building Soil January 17, 2019 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Wall at the Wall Community Center, Grand Hall (501 Main St.). The event is free. However, pre-registration is requested because a lunch will be served. Certified Crop Advisor credits will be available. To register, contact Ruth Beck, SDSU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist at or 605-773-8120.
AgWired Precision, Precision Ag Bytes