2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Celebrates Cotton with Texas Tech

Chuck Zimmerman

The annual Celebrate Cotton Texas Tech football game provided the perfect opportunity for BASF to show off its branded BASF Seed Innovation Center.

Attendees were provided with tours that included both the Trait Development Building and the BASF Crop Analytics laboratory. After the tours media were able to meet with BASF leadership for one on one interviews. Then it was on to the game which was preceded by a FiberMax Tailgate.

Here are my interviews from the event.

Monty Christian, Head of Global Cotton, BASF – Interview with Monty Christian, BASF

Margaret Shields, US Cotton Breeding Manager, BASF – Interview with Margaret Shields, BASF

Malin Westfall, US Cotton Lead, BASF – Interview with Malin Westfall, BASF

Prior to the game start BASF received on-field and scoreboard recognition as sponsors. You can watch the video here:

Of course I’ve got lots of photos for your viewing/sharing pleasure: BASF Celebrate Cotton 2018 Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Cotton, Video