RFA Ethanol Podcast

Pork Checkoff Makes Big Pig Impression

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Pork Board is making a big impression with a new “virtual pig experience” – first debuted at World Pork Expo and on display last week at Ag Media Summit.

“Our pig experience includes about 1100 pounds of a display and the pig head comes down and it gives you the Google “nap pod” experience,” said Kylee Deniz, NPB Director of Marketing and Producer Outreach, who came up with the idea and had it developed. Once participants settle into the pod they get to view short, informational and totally adorable video featuring a little boy talking about how pig farmers care for their animals.

Deniz says there are two of these pig heads, which they affectionately call Kelly and Dan, after the designers who developed them.

Learn more about Kelly and Dan in this interview: Interview with Kylie Deniz, National Pork Board

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Ag Media Summit, AgWired Animal, Audio, Pork Checkoff