Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue has announced the appointment of 10 members to fill vacancies on the National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board. More information about the board is available on the National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board page on the AMS website, including a link to the Board’s membership under the heading Organizational Structure.
- The Institute for Feed Education and Research announced the addition of Robert Cooper as its executive director, effective June 18. IFEEDER, the American Feed Industry Association’s public charity, focuses on research and education to support the feed industry.
- Louisiana State University received a $4,000 grant from the USPOULTRY Foundation. The grant was awarded to the university to aid in their efforts to recruit students interested in studying poultry science and was made possible in part from an endowing Foundation gift from Sanderson Farms. The grant money will be used to continue the Summer Poultry Institute held annually at the university. The three-day institute is open to high school students and teaches poultry anatomy, embryology, biology, nutrition, grading and processing.
- The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, recently hosted three On the Farm professional development events for leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), as well as health education. Events were designed to introduce educators from primarily urban areas to the beef industry in Fort Worth, Texas; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Portland, Oregon.