2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

2018 Agri-Marketing Conference Underway

Chuck Zimmerman

The Golden Mic invites you to stop by the ZimmComm booth at the Agri-Marketing Conference Connection Point (#302). Are you a member of the club? It’s pretty easy to join and Jamie, Joanna and I will help you out. Stop by and see many of the people who are already members.

It’s not just about taking your picture with the Golden Mic. It’s also about being interviewed by the Golden Mic. That’s what we’re going to be doing. Do you have a story to tell? About you, your company, your products and services? Stop by and tell it and we’ll share it.

An added feature of our booth again this year is the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance. Joining us is James Massie, Marketing Manager. James will be demonstrating USFRA’s new engAGe App and signing you up. I’m signed up and I think you should too.

Meanwhile, we’re also taking photos this year. I will be taking them at this evening’s Best of NAMA Awards which takes place just prior to the opening of the Connection Point. We’ve already been collecting some photos for your viewing and sharing pleasure. You know where to find them and what to do with them, right?

2018 National Agri-Marketing Conference Photo Album

For a preview of this year’s conference, I spoke with Conference Chair Jenna Oesch, Monsanto. That interview is part of this week’s ZimmCast podcast but you can listen to Jenna’s segment below.

Preview interview with Jenna Oesch, Monsanto, Conference Chair