2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Bayer Cotton Varieties Focus on Yield

Cindy Zimmerman

Five new Bayer cotton varieties are available in limited quantities for 2018 planting to give growers more options.

“Choosing the right variety for the right field to harvest the right yield is paramount to successfully managing a cotton crop,” says Jason Wistehuff, Bayer product manager for FiberMax® and Stoneville® cotton. “These new varieties combine with our existing variety lineup to ground the season in sound science.”

The new 2018 varieties for FiberMax are:

FM 2498GLT – Adapted to the High Plains, Rolling Plains, Oklahoma, South Texas and East Texas.
FM 2574GLT – For dryland production on the Rolling Plains, also offers high gin turnout

The new 2018 varieties for Stoneville:

ST 5471GLTP – Broadly adapted for the Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Delta and South Texas.
ST 5818GLT – Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Delta and South Texas.
ST 5122GLT – Widely adapted to the Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Delta, East Texas and Northern Rolling Plains.

“Our variety lineup is proof of our commitment to deliver varieties with the high yield potential, premium quality, herbicide tolerance and disease and insect resistance growers need to choose the right seed for the right field,” Wistehuff says.

Wistehuff talked about Bayer’s commitment to cotton in a recent interview with Chuck at the new Bayer Cotton Breeding Station in Lubbock, Texas: Interview with Jason Wistehuff, Bayer

Bayer Lubbock Tour

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Cotton, Seed