2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ImpactZ™ Herbicide from AMVAC® Approved for Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

AMVAC Chemical Corporation has received federal registration from EPA for a new broad spectrum, low use rate corn herbicide – ImpactZ.

ImpactZ provides corn growers with a new solution for control of tough broadleaf and grass weeds, including glyphosate resistant species.

“Impact herbicide has long provided value to corn growers as an excellent tool for weed resistance management,” said Jim Lappin, AMVAC crop marketing manager, corn and soybeans. “ImpactZ herbicide provides safe, effective broad spectrum control in corn.”
ImpactZ herbicide provides excellent control of tough grass weeds, including barnyardgrass, crabgrass and foxtails. It also controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds, including waterhemp, palmer amaranth, lambsquarters and velvetleaf.

ImpactZ herbicide is registered for use in field corn, seed corn, popcorn and sweetcorn, with no restrictions on soil type, tank mix partners or insecticides. ImpactZ herbicide contains both Impact® and Atrazine for highly effective control of grass and broadleaf weeds in corn.

Individual state registrations for ImpactZ herbicide are pending.

Click here to learn more.

AgWired Precision, Corn, Crop Protection, Herbicide