2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Precision Ag Bytes 10/25

Kelly Marshall

  • Monsanto has filed a complaint in Pulaski County Circuit Court in response to the Arkansas Plant Board’s decision to continue Arkansas’s ban of XtendiMax® for the 2018 growing season.  The Plant Board overlooked extensive volatility data provided to it – including data EPA used in its registration decision, says Scott Partridge, Vice President of Global Strategy.
  • The AgGateway Annual Conference in San Diego, California will feature speakers on Inventory Management, “Design Thinking,” and Farm Data Challenges.  The 2017 conference theme is “Efficiency-Opportunity-Profitability” and takes place November 6-9 at the Hilton Resort & Spa.
  • Verdesian Life Sciences is offering growers a money back guarantee on their AVAIL and/or NutriSphere-N products for the coming season.  Growers are guaranteed an increased yield or Verdesian will cover the product costs.
  • Precision Tank, a leader in liquid storage solutions, has unveiled a new brand identity.  The new brand represents the capabilities of two industry leaders, the former Precision Tank & Equipment (PT&E) and A & B Welding companies.
  • Adama, a global crop protection company, has entered into agreements with Syngenta AG to transfer certain crop protection products and distribution rights in exchange for products in the Nufarm Limited line.  These transfers are part of the acquisition of Syngenta by ChemChina.
AgWired Precision, Precision Agriculture