RFA Ethanol Podcast

Wisconsin Sends 17,000 lbs. of Cheese to Houston

Jamie Johansen

Driven by online conversations shortly after Hurricane Harvey, Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board’s (WMMB) Social Media Specialist, Lizzy Schultz, wondered how they could help. After a team meeting, the idea became a quick reality. Wisconsin’s cheesemakers were contacted and more than 17,000 pounds of cheese was sent to Houston to help the victims of the hurricane.

“We are deeply saddened by the devastation facing Texas residents in the wake of Hurricane Harvey,” said Suzanne Fanning, WMMB vice president of marketing communications. “Our Wisconsin cheesemakers and dairy farmers are inherently focused on helping others so we offered them a way to get involved.”

The original goal was 200 pounds of cheese, but donors came through with more than 17,000 pounds of smoked string cheese, cheese curds, muenster, Parmesan, classic cheddar and more. The shipment also included 300 pounds of butter all in route to the Houston Food Bank.

Both Lizzy and Suzanne send a huge shout out to the dairy farmers and cheesemakers. They said they are always focused on what they can do to help people and students. The fact that Dairy Farm Families of Wisconsin wanted to fund this project and the cheesemakers willingness to come forward at such a short notice is another testament to the good people in the agricultural community.

You might remember Lizzy as one of our former ZimmComm team members. She often jumped on the agriblogging highway and we are very excited to see her passion and commitment to the agricultural industry shine in her short time at WMMB.

I had the chance to chat with both Lizzy and Suzanne to learn more about their efforts to give back and how excited they were to have so many join the force to help in relief efforts. Listen to our complete chat here: Interview with Suzanne Fanning & Lizzy Schultz, WMMB

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