2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FMC Explains Fungicide Factors

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ve been learning a lot about fungicides lately and got another lesson with Brent Neuberger, FMC Senior Technical Sales Manager, during the Ag Media Summit. Brent starts out explaining that farmers are starting to see some issues in soybeans with frogeye leaf spot which even includes resistance to some of the strobilurin products. That’s why he says it’s very important to use a combination product like FMC’s Preemptor which contains a triazole along with a strobilurin. This provides a curative and a residual. Another product in this category is their Topguard EQ.

Brent also talks about what factors come into play when making a decision to treat with fungicides. He also mentions how many of the diseases needing treatment can exist in the soil even prior to planting due to different factors.

You can listen to my interview with Brent here: Interview with Brent Neuberger, FMC

View and download photos here: 2017 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

Coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by
Coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by FMC
Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, FMC, Fungicide