2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FMC Supports #MSFGS17 and Cotton Growers

Kelly Marshall

Mid-South Farm and Gin Show took place last week in Memphis, Tennessee and FMC is a big part of making that happen as a long-time sponsor. Chris Reat says the show is a lot of fun; a place where relationships are built and reconnected as members of the industry gather to learn about a commodity which plays a lesser part in many conferences– cotton.

Things are looking up for this southern favorite, Reat says, and for growers who may have had to move away from the crop in the past, the mood is brighter. Of course, most farmers want to know what the weather or the markets will bring this season, but FMC is ready to help with what they can: insecticides and fungicides they’ll need for a great year.

“Lots of positive conversations about the markets,” Reat comments. “They are what they are, but I still need to maximize my return on investment and maximize the production I’m getting on my individual acres, so it’s been very good.”

Listen to Chuck’s full interview with Reat here to learn more: Interview with Chris Reat, FMC

Mid-South Farm & Gin Show

Coverage of the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show is sponsored by
Coverage of the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show is sponsored by FMC
Agribusiness, Audio, Cotton, Farm & Gin Show, FMC