2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Senate Ag Committee Announces Farm Bill Hearing

Kelly Marshall

Pat Roberts, (R-KS) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Chairman and Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, have announced the first hearing the next Farm Bill reauthorization. The hearing will take place on February 23, 2017 at the McCain Auditorium at Kansas State University.

“It’s time to get to work on another Farm Bill, and we’re heading straight to the heartland to talk directly to producers,” said Chairman Roberts. “I can’t think of a more appropriate venue to hold this hearing than Manhattan, Kan., the home of Kansas State University, the Kansas Department of Agriculture, and Kansas Farm Bureau.

“As we begin to have discussions about the next Farm Bill, we will need input from farmers and families all across the country,” said Ranking Member Stabenow. “I am looking forward to this first field hearing in Chairman Roberts’ home state to hear directly from producers and others who care about rural America so we can craft a bill that continues to strengthen American agriculture as well as small towns and rural communities.”

The hearing will be webcast live on ag.senate.gov.
