RFA Ethanol Podcast

Inviting Your Feedback on the AgWired Audience

Chuck Zimmerman

Howdy AgWired Tribe. I’ve got a question. How do I show an advertising agency or company who our audience is? Some want numbers and demographics in order to utilize us in a marketing campaign. Whether you are a farmer or work for agribusiness or an agency I’m interested in your thoughts and ideas on this.

Many of you have been following AgWired since the beginning and are a part of why this little old ag newsy blog has been such a success. I hope we’ve been able to provide you with good and entertaining information using new channels that allow you to get our content whenever, wherever and how ever you want it. My goal from the beginning was to use new media channels without barriers such as a form to fill out.

We did not accept advertising for the first couple years here on the website since I wanted to make sure this was a viable medium. And it sure is. As we’ve grown and developed we started accepting sponsorships of our meeting coverage and direct advertising too. But we have been running into some issues since we don’t make you fill out a form telling us if you farm, type, # of animals or acres, etc.

I wrote a post on this subject on my Facebook page last weekend and the response has been very good and welcomed. If you would like to comment here or there I would appreciate it.

We’re doing some strategic planning for ZimmComm New Media and any feedback would be helpful. I’m not making any predictions here but I sense some significant new changes coming to how we send and receive information. Take a look at the debacle of news coverage of the Presidential election and maybe you sense some change coming too.

Thank you. The ZimmComm Team is off to a great start in 2017 and we hope to see you on the agriblogging highway somewhere soon.
