2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Agrivisor Offers Marketing Solutions For Growers

Lizzy Schultz

29305331751_6d41014c64_o Low corn and soybean prices are still placing pressure on growers across the nation, especially with the record yields expected to come out of this year’s harvest season. Cory Winstead, GROWMARK’s Division Manager for Grain Risk, spoke with AgWired during the 2016 GROWMARK Annual Meeting & Agribusiness Symposium last week to discuss ways GROWMARK is helping farmers continue to manage risk and maximize profitability during challenging state of the economy.

“One of the things you really need to look at is putting a plan together, and having that plan put together early. Know where your breakeven is, know what’s profitable and what’s not, and then trying to put forth the tools that will get you there,” he said in an interview during the annual meeting.

Unknown-2Along with his work at GROWMARK, Winstead is a manager at Agrivisor, a joint venture between GROWMARK and the Illinois Farm Bureau, a full service agricultural advisory firm that provides growers with a unique, comprehensive set of risk management tools and marketing services that can help set them up for success.

“We offer marketing solutions, and our products can give you some more premium,” said Winstead. “They’re managed bushel products, so instead of trying to price grain on your own, we allow you to commit on a cash grain contract and select an analyst to price the grain for you over a time period.”

Learn more about AgriVisor in his full interview here:
Interview with Cory Winstead, GROWMARK/Agrivisor

View and download photos from the event here: 2016 GROWMARK Annual Meeting & Agribusiness Symposium Photo Album

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, GROWMARK