2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer’s Credenz Has All the Options

Kelly Marshall

bayer-showcase-illinois-69-editedNick Weidenbenner is more than just an agronomist with Bayer.  He’s also an expert on the Credenz soybean line.  At the Bayer Showcase Plot Tours Jamie Johansen spoke with him about the options Credenz provides to growers.

Introduced in 2014, the idea was to offer farmers more choices, underlined by Bayer’s four pillars; tailored genetics, herbicide tolerance, state of the art breeding and on going innovation.  Credenz offers these smart genetics, Weidenbenner says, and demonstrates Bayer’s commitment to the industry.

The LibertyLink system is part of the Credenz success as well.  LibertyLink has proven itself with top customer satisfaction.  Better weed control helps growers achieve the 2.1 bushel/acre yield advantage over the competitor, although Credenz offers varieties for both systems to ensure growers have what they need.

“I’ve been hearing a lot of positive feed back,” Weidenbenner reports.  “There is a lot of excitement around LibertyLink and having a national brand to kind of carry with that flag, and really coming to market with some stellar varieties has been a lot of help to launch a top brand.”

Learn more about Credenz in Jamie’s interview here: Interview with Nick Weidenbenner, Bayer

View and download photos from the event here: Bayer Showcase Days Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Soybean