2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Did You Have A Summertime Job On The Farm?

Jamie Johansen

New Holland ZimmPollOur latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What would a Bayer Monsanto buyout mean for ag?”

Bayer AG made a $62 billion bid to acquire Monsanto Company recently that was rejected by the board of the St. Louis-based agribusiness, but the door was left open for further negotiations. It seems a small majority say a merger like this would be bad news for agriculture. However, a close second believe it would equal better solutions for farmers and I totally agree.

Here are the poll results:

  • Better solutions for farmers – 28%
  • Bad news – 38%
  • Consolidation is inevitable – 17%
  • Don’t know – 11%
  • Don’t care – 6%

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, Did/do you have a summer job on a farm?

Summertime on the farm is the busiest time of the years. The added hours of sunlight provide amply time to get as must as possible accomplished. However, added help is usually needed. Hiring teens for those added jobs is common practice nationwide. Some come with some background knowledge about farm work, but most learn by doing. Are you currently spending your summer vacation working on a farm whether it’s your families or not? Or in the past did you have the opportunity take in the life skills farm work provides?
