2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#Corn and #Soy Groups Back #RFS

Cindy Zimmerman

Leaders for the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and American Soybean Association (ASA) were among the more than 120 who testified at an EPA field hearing in Kansas City in support of statutory volume obligations for biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

NCGA president Chip Bowling testifies at EPA hearing

NCGA president Chip Bowling testifies at EPA hearing

NCGA president Chip Bowling of Maryland urged EPA to follow the law and finalize the 2017 conventional renewable fuel renewable volume obligation (RVO) at the 15-billion-gallon statutory level. “The EPA and this Administration made a pledge to the American people to become energy independent by developing American-based energy sources such as corn ethanol,” said Bowling. “Farmers responded by growing enough corn for all of our needs. Businesses responded by investing in production infrastructure across rural America. As a result of these government promises and private efforts, the U.S. is able to sustain a prosperous renewable fuels industry. Now it’s up to EPA to deliver on its promises.”

Listen to Bowling’s testimony here: NCGA president EPA hearing testimony

NCGA Chairman Martin Barbre of Illinois also testified, noting that the RFS was a successful policy when EPA first began proposing changes in 2014. “The RFS was doing exactly what it was intended to do: driving the adoption of domestic renewable alternatives to petroleum, supporting jobs across the country, ensuring the United States remains a global leader in developing renewable energy sources and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions here at home. The EPA’s proposal threatens these outcomes,” said Barbre.

Listen to Barbre’s testimony here: NCGA chairman EPA hearing testimony

Former ASA chairman and Iowa soybean farmer Ray Gaesser called on EPA to increase the proposed volumes for biomass-based diesel to 2.5 billion gallons. “We think EPA should enthusiastically support more aggressive, but easily achievable, volume targets for biodiesel,” said Gaesser. “We see no reason why EPA should not, at a minimum, support biomass-based diesel volumes of 2.5 billion gallons for 2018.”

Listen to Gaesser’s testimony here: ASA chairman EPA hearing testimony

Check out the EPA Hearing Photo Album.

Coverage of EPA RFS Hearing made possible by Coverage of EPA RFS Hearing made possible by Renewable Fuels Association
ASA, Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, NCGA