RFA Ethanol Podcast

Simple Solutions from LibertyLink

Kelly Marshall

LibertyLinkSoybeans are no longer a simple crop to grow and market.  With new traits still pending approval for export to other countries, and some elevators announcing they won’t accept specific traits, choosing the right soybean for your operation may be down right complicated.

LibertyLink soybeans, however, offer a simple solution.  These soybean traits have all been approved for domestic and international use and are being accepted at elevators this fall.

“LibertyLink soybeans come with the best genetics, yielding up to 2.1 bu/A more than Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans,” said Malin Westfall, soybean marketing manager for Bayer. “You also get excellent weed control when you complete the system by applying Liberty® herbicide.“

LibertyLink is low risk, since all grain elevators may accept them, and it’s a non-volatile and neighbor-friendly herbicide.  Growers choose it for weed management, as well as great yields, as Andy Sekel from Allen County Indiana reports.

“Last year and this year, we planted all LibertyLink soybeans and that’s what we seem to like. We think their varieties are stronger. We had good success with weed control, but the yields were just unbelievable. On a 73 acre piece we yielded 90.5 bu/A and our overall farm average was 69.5 bu/A,” shared Sekel. “I would say I’m very satisfied planting Liberty Link soybeans. I think I can make anywhere from $10 to $75/A more, depending on the circumstances. And I think [LibertyLink soybeans] are possibly a stronger bean and healthier bean plant. So I think we’re going to continue to stick with this.”

For questions concerning the availability and use of products, contact a local Bayer representative, or visit Crop Science, a division of Bayer, online at www.cropscience.bayer.us.

Agribusiness, Bayer, Soybean