2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Used Equipment Calculator from Iron Solutions

Kelly Marshall

ironguides_logo-1Iron Solutions has announced a new online product.  The company that created IRON Guides®, IRON HQ® and a full suite of equipment data and software products has now launched the IRON Guides Residual Value Calculator® for Used Equipment.  This new offering will be sold separetly from their current lineup of products.

With historically high levels of used agricultural equipment being purchased, this new product was designed to meet a growing need in the equipment marketplace for the valuation of inventory.  The Calculator can help dealers forecast wholesale values of the equipment in their inventory.  This should assist dealers in gaining a better understand of the market value of their machines and help them make more informed transaction decisions.

The IRON Guides Residual Value Calculator is the latest in a portfolio of advanced reporting and software products from Iron Solutions. In addition to sophisticated industry data, the calculator includes input from Iron Solutions’ staff of industry-leading analysts who have equipped the Residual Value Calculator to account for market, industry and geographic variables that can be customized for each user.

The IRON Guides Residual Value Calculator for Used Equipment is available now in the U.S. and is expected to be available later this year in Canada.

Agribusiness, Equipment