2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FMC Talks Grower Benefit Programs

Lizzy Schultz

MSFGS-16-Scott The team at FMC is offering growers a number of benefit programs for the coming year, and Retail Market Manager Lester Scott sat down for an interview at the 2016 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show to discuss three programs that benefit southern rice and soybean growers in particular.

FMC is offering rice growers a $1 per acre rebate when they choose Command 3ME herbicide, based on a 13 ounce rate, offering growers $10 back per acre.

“I think the Command 3ME rebate will be a welcome addition for our rice growers this year, especially with the economy the way it is,” said Scott. “It allows them to stay with a branded product in 2016 with the stability they’ve had and used over the years.

Additional programs available for Authority Elite herbicide, an individual program that offers both grass and broad-leaf control with a $2/acre rebate, as well as a unique program with Anthem Max, a member of Bayer’s Liberty Link residual program.

“This year really gives us an opportunity to have personal contact with our growers,” said Scott. “Most of the time we’re spending most of our efforts with our star retails, but this is an opportunity to really touch our growers, with an opportunity to not only promote our products, but to offer a discount in a year where we know the economy is such that they will be needing it.”

Listen to my full interview with Lester here:
Interview with Lester Scott, FMC

2016 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show Photo Album

Coverage of the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show is sponsored by
Coverage of the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show is sponsored by FMC
Ag Groups, Audio, Bayer, FMC, Herbicide