2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Real Interviews with Real Growers about LibertyLink

Chuck Zimmerman

Bayer Liberty LinkIf you listen to farm radio you probably have heard spots for Bayer’s LibertyLink system. Last fall they included promotion for the RealYield game which ended December 31, 2015. Those commercials, moderated by Cindy, came from real interviews with real growers like Reid Atha from northwest Missouri. I thought you might want to hear one of the full interviews instead of just a sixty second spot.

I asked Reid what the biggest challenges are to farming in his area. Last year it was the weather but on a year to year basis it is weed control. He says that he’s going into his third season using the LibertyLink system. During the 2015 season he saw excellent weed control even with the weather challenges. As he puts it after treating with Liberty, “It smoked everything.” He didn’t plant a single bean until June 14th last year but says his yields were excellent.

Listen to my interview with Reid for his full story: Reid Atha, Missouri

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Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Soybean