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Farm Bureau Offers Election Information Website

John Davis

farmbureauFarm Bureau believes a well-informed electorate will vote the right ways on issues dear to the organization. That’s why it has launched, a site the group’s director of advocacy and political affairs Cody Lyon says will keep farmers and ranchers informed.

“We wanted to create a website that served three key purposes. First, news that was going on related to the campaign, second is issue briefs on where Farm Bureau stands, and the third thing is just to provide access for visitors to their bio, their official campaign site, any information that we feel visitors would want to get more information on to be more informed.”

Farm Bureau says the effort highlights the industry’s perspective on the election and documents candidates’, as well as Farm Bureau’s, positions on key farming and ranching issues. Officials add a unified voice can prove powerful during the election.

Check it out here.

AFBF, politics