Farm broadcasters were recognized for excellence during the final luncheon at the 72nd annual NAFB convention in Kansas City on Friday.
Gary Truitt of Indiana’s Hoosier Ag Today network became the only member to ever be awarded Farm Broadcaster of the Year twice. Truitt first received the honor back in 1988. So, that’s kind of weird, since it’s always been assumed this is a one time only award. Even Orion Samuelson has only received the award once in its history dating back to 1969. Truitt has been delivering agricultural news to the state of Indiana since 1981 and founded Hoosier Ag Today in 2006.
The 2015 Horizon Award winner is Jesse Harding with KRVN Radio Network in Lexington, Nebraska. A recent University of Illinois graduate, with a degree in Agriculture Communications and Advertising, she had the opportunity to intern with Gale Cunningham at WYXY in Champaign, Illinois who has been a mentor to this talented young lady and helped her on her career path in the exciting world of farm broadcasting!
Other awards presented at the luncheon included:
Marketcast – 1st Place: Ken Root
Newscast – 1st Place: Tom Steever
Video Marketcast – 1st Place: Tyne Morgan
Video Newscast – 1st Place: Tyne Morgan
Editors Choice: Todd Gleason
Editors Choice for Exceptional Merit: Don Molino
Excellence in Ag Reporting: Emery Kleven
Congratulations to all!