2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ASTA Chairman Presides Over Busy Year

Cindy Zimmerman

asta-annual-15-johnIt’s been a busy year for John Schoenecker of HM Clause as chairman of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA).

One priority for the organization has been to develop a communications strategy and Schoenecker says they have moved forward with that plan in the past year developing a new video message that stresses the importance of seeds in our daily lives. “We’re trying to develop messages that will speak to all levels from our customers to our customers’ customers, and ultimately to the end consumer,” he said. “Really everything that we depend on starts with the seed.” Watch the video below or on the ASTA website – it’s a pretty powerful message!

In this interview from the ASTA annual meeting this week, Schoenecker also talks about the issues important to the industry that members took to the Hill in meetings with lawmakers. Interview with ASTA chairman John Schoenecker, HM Clause

2015 ASTA Annual Meeting photos

ASTA, Audio, Video