2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Propane Program Pays Off for Growers

Cindy Zimmerman

perc-incentiveThe Propane Farm Incentive Program paid off for participants last year, according to the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC).

PERC reports that participants of the program, which provides up to $5,000 toward the purchase of new propane-powered irrigation engines, reduced their per hour energy costs by more than 40 percent in 2014 compared with their previously owned diesel-fueled irrigation engines. “Today’s propane engines are built from the ground up for efficiency, power and reliability,” says PERC agricultural director Cinch Munson. “Results from our 2014 Propane Farm Incentive Program show that these new engines are cutting producers’ operating costs, while using an American-made fuel source that’s better for the environment.”

perc-engineOver the course of the year, the 87 propane-powered irrigation engines demonstrated through the 2014 Propane Farm Incentive Program irrigated nearly 9,000 acres of 10 different crops. Ninety-five percent of those engines received overall performance ratings of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale, with 5 being high performing.

“Since 2009, PERC has helped bring over 30 new engines in a variety of sizes and horsepower ratings to the agriculture market,” said Munson. “These engines cost less than comparable Tier 4 diesel engines, and have lower operating and maintenance costs.”

PERC also reports that 90% of the 2014 program participants say they are likely to purchase another propane-powered irrigation engine and 96% are likely to recommend a propane-fueled irrigation engine to others based on their experience operating their incentive engine.

Learn more in my interview with Cinch here: Interview with Cinch Munson, PERC

Watch PERC’s testimonial video from Walvoord and Sons farm in Nebraska about their experiences using propane for irrigation and much more.

Audio, Irrigation, PERC, Propane, Video