2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Reaching Out to Millennials Starts Locally

John Davis

aif-15-petersonMillennials have a lot of questions and concerns about agriculture, and it’s up to their age counterparts to help explain what modern farming is all about. One of the great “ag-vocates” for today’s farmers has been the Peterson brothers, whose YouTube video parodies of pop songs have reached millions in a fun way. Greg Peterson, who sat on the Millennial Perspectives on Food, Farming and Nutrition panel at the Bayer CropScience 10th annual Ag Issues Forum in Phoenix, said you don’t have to be a YouTube sensation to make a difference; just start with people you know locally.

“That’s a simple way you can get started,” he said. “It’s great to have goals of reaching millions of people, but you can’t get to that point until you start smaller. For people who are overwhelmed by the thought of finding all these new different ways to advocate – just start simple, influence the people around you. That counts, too.”

Greg admitted that he and his brothers kind of just play it by ear when doing their YouTube ag-vocacy, and they don’t want to branch into what can be the false drama of a reality TV show. He added that it’s important for farmers to keep up on the technologies that will help them reach more people with the message of modern production agriculture.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Greg here: Greg Peterson

2015 Ag Issues Forum Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer