RFA Ethanol Podcast

Eggs and Kevin Bacon

Chuck Zimmerman

Kevin Bacon and EggsPlease don’t make puns about Kevin’s last name. He would appreciate it. I’m sure he’s also appreciating the American Egg Board for including him in their latest campaign, Wake up to Eggs with Bacon.

Nobody knows eggs better than bacon, which is why America’s egg farmers are teaming up with the most famous bacon of all, Kevin Bacon. The new marketing campaign, slated to launch March 13, is an integrated promotional effort that will bring attention to the many nutritional benefits of the Incredible Edible Egg, just in time for Easter.

“With a last name like Bacon, I’m the obvious choice, and I’m excited to be a part of the new Incredible Edible Egg campaign,” said Kevin Bacon. “I like the creativity behind the idea, and I’ve always been a big fan of eggs. They’re a nutritional powerhouse and I never get tired of them because there are so many ways you can eat them.”

The actor will be featured in a variety of online video, print, digital and social media ads throughout the next year. Grey New York is the American Egg Board’s creative agency, Starcom handles media planning and buying, and Edelman oversees PR and social media.

Ag Groups, Video