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Bayer Talks Investing in Innovations at Ag Issues Forum

John Davis

aif-15-hollinrakeBayer CropScience is making major invests in innovations in agricultural research to make sure the world has the food, fiber and fuel it needs for a growing population. During the the recent Bayer CropScience 10th annual Ag Issues Forum in Phoenix, Chuck talked with Bayer’s Davide Hollinrake, Vice President of ACO Marketing, about Bayer’s $1.1 billion in research and development every year.

“The fruits of the labor really are showing great promise in 2015, as we are launching several new products. Some of these are really game-changing, allowing farmers to do even more,” he said, pointing to new products such as ILeVO, a soybean seed treatment that’s the only solution for Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) that has activity against nematodes. “It’s showing great promise.”

Davide said Bayer identifies what are the farmers’ pressing needs and recognizes that the expected world population of 9.6 billion by the year 2050 offers challenges of its own, including a 70 percent yield goal. But even with the $1.1 billion annual investment, he said Bayer can’t do this by itself. “It’s going to take the entire industry plowing the same direction.”

Another area of innovation David wants to see is how the message of modern farming is delivered to the public.

“We need to be agvocates. We need to describe the benefits of modern production agriculture and be on the forefront of taking on some of the challenges that are in our way and open a dialogue with people that maybe aren’t filled with the understanding farmers are. Farmers are well-trusted. We just need to give them the courage to speak up about this great industry.”

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Davide here: Davide Hollinrake, Vice President of ACO Marketing, Bayer CropScience

2015 Ag Issues Forum Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Research