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Bayer Looks to Support Young Ag Professionals

John Davis

aif-15-45inci-dannenbergBayer is working to make sure there’s the next generation of ag professionals ready not only to grow the food, fiber and fuel for this country, but also develop the science and even make sure ag products are marketed the right way. During the the recent Bayer CropScience 10th annual Ag Issues Forum in Phoenix, Chuck caught up with Inci Dannenberg, Vice President of Commercial Operations for Bayer, who said besides the company’s Making Science Make Sense program aimed at elementary school students and the work they do with high school FFA members, Bayer is also reaching out to college graduates.

“We have a year training program for those just coming out of college and might not have an ag background but have business skills to learn about agriculture,” she said, adding the program allows those business grads to look at sales for Bayer. And for those with master’s degrees and even doctorates, there are development programs to fund research.

Bayer also has agricultural ambassador training for its employees to help spread the good news. “That way we have a network of people throughout the country who can go into classrooms and speak about agriculture and maybe spark some interest from future talent.”

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Inci here: Inci Dannenberg, Vice President of Commercial Operations, Bayer

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