2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FMC Talks Cotton at Mid-South Farm & Gin Show

John Davis

mid-south-15-mitchellFarmers in the cotton belt are ready as the new season’s field prep work is underway in some areas. During the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show in Memphis, Tennessee, Chuck caught up with Rusty Mitchell with FMC, who talked about some new products his company has for cotton and other row crop farmers.

“The big interest in cotton as with any of the row crops in the Mid-South is Palmer Amaranthus control,” Rusty said. “We are introducing a new product this year in our Anthem Flex, applied in cotton post-direct, giving farmers another option to apply a residual type of product that will provide them season-long or continued long control of grasses and Palmer Amaranthus, as well.”

Another new product from FMC this year includes the 3RIVE 3D (which Rusty is standing next to in the picture). It’s a platform that integrates formulation technology, application technology and active ingredients to increase net planting speed, in-furrow protection and early season success.

“For those individual farmers that may not necessarily be interested in putting out a starter, pop-up type fertilizer, but yet still want the technology of an insecticide in-furrow, you can use this equipment and cover 500 acres in one filling, making it very, very efficient,” Rusty said.

You can also see video of 3RIVE 3D in action here.

Listen to more of Chuck’s conversation with Rusty here: Interview with Rusty Mitchell with FMC

Mid-South Farm & Gin Show Photo Album

Coverage of the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show is sponsored by
Coverage of the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show is sponsored by FMC
Agribusiness, Audio, Cotton, Equipment, FMC