RFA Ethanol Podcast

Students Present Posters at ASTA CSS

Cindy Zimmerman

asta-css-14-poster-winnerThree students were awarded prizes sponsored by Dow AgroSciences for their winning poster presentations at the ASTA CSS 2014 and Seed Expo last week in Chicago.

First place was awarded to Adam Gaspar from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who is pictured here explaining his presentation to one of the judges.

Second place went to Lillian Brzostowski, a student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for her presentation on Stacking Resistance Alleles from Three Sources to Increase Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode.

Adriano Terras Mastrodomenico, also with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, received third place for Characterization of Commercial Corn Hybrids in Response to Different Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates and Plant Populations.

2014 ASTA CSS & Seed Expo photo album

Coverage of CSS 2014 and Seed Expo brought to you by
Coverage of CSS 2014 and Seed Expo brought to you by the American Seed Trade Association and Coverage of CSS 2014 and Seed Expo brought to you by BASF Ag Products