RFA Ethanol Podcast

Sustainably Grown USSEC Markets

Jamie Johansen

nafb-ussecNational Association of Farm Broadcasting’s Trade Talk led me to the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) booth where I talked with Laura Foell. She is chairman of the USSEC, member of the United Soybean Board and an Iowa farmer. USSEC is comprised of United Soybean Board, American Soybean Association, state soybean associations and industry members. As a non-profit the council’s job is to ensure there are markets for soybeans produced.

“I think the future is going to be bright. I think we have markets and I think we have made those relationships that are important in trade. We have done a good job making sure our customers have the product to fit their needs.”

Sustainability is also at the forefront of USSEC’s minds. Laura divided their sustainability efforts into three areas which included environment, economic and social. Listen to or download my complete interview with Laura to learn more about what USSEC is doing for soybean growers nationwide. Interview with Laura Foell, USSEC

2014 NAFB Convention Photos

Coverage of NAFB Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of NAFB Convention is sponsored by BASF
Ag Groups, Audio, Exports, NAFB, Soybean