Friday night of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention concludes the week with the passing of the gavel and a roast of the outgoing president. Following a long week of meetings, interviews and entertainment, the group has known to get gussied up and let their hair down a little bit and this year was no exception. As legend has it, rolls have been thrown more than once during the presidential roast and toast. Pam Jahnke, the Fabulous Farm Babe, may or may not have lobbed the first roll many years ago as a way to liven up the meal. Since then, the wait staff has been generous in our shenanigans, sometimes ducking for cover.
This year our own fabulous farm intern, Taylor Truckey, captured the throwing of the rolls for posterity’s sake. Rick Haines tossed the first one at the head table this year and it was on from there. When Hall of Fame inductee Ken Root got a little long in the tooth, we let him know about it. Someone may have paid the wait staff to not serve the head of the table any more rolls and bring them to our table and even the NAFB staff got into the act by offering to refill our basket with more ammunition!
The real story of the night was honoring outgoing president Janet Adkison of RFD-TV, who passed the gavel on to president-elect, Susan Littlefield, KZEN, Nebraska. Brian Winnekins steps into the role of president-elect and Tony St. James is the newly elected vice-president. Rumor has it, I’ll be part of the head table next year and I am excited about that opportunity!