RFA Ethanol Podcast

Tyson Urges FFA to Tell #MyAGStory

Cindy Zimmerman

ffa-14-tyson-storyAt the 87th annual National FFA Convention last week, Tyson Foods was encouraging FFA members to share their stories via social media, using the hashtag #myAGstory.

“So much of the population of America today has no idea what life on the farm is like, they don’t understand how their food’s made,” said Tyson Foods President and CEO Donnie Smith, who was a keynote speaker at the convention. “What we’re here to do is to get these students to take back the story of agriculture and tell it pure and simple like it ought to be.”

ffa-14-tyson-smithSmith says hundreds of FFA members stopped by the Tyson booth at the convention to tell their ag story. “These kids are so prevalent on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and all the new social media outlets … so we want them to do is get on Twitter and tell their ag story.”

He added that Tyson wants to stay connected to with youth through social media. “And we get connected to them, then we all get it … we get their passion, we get their ag stories and we get to help continue to tell those stories over and over and over again.”

Listen to Jamie’s interview with Donnie here: Interview with Donnie Smith, Tyson Foods

87th National FFA Convention Photos

Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by FMC
Audio, FFA, Poultry, Social Media