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Farm Journal Media & New Holland Honored at min Awards

Jamie Johansen

Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 9.46.46 PMFarm Journal Media and its client New Holland shared the stage with brands like Forbes, Sports Illustrated, Jaquar and Delta at min’s annual Integrated Marketing Awards breakfast in New York City this past Friday. Farm Journal won in the “Total Integrated Program – B2B” category for its “$100 Ideas” contest, with New Holland as its exclusive advertising partner.

$100 Ideas has been a regular feature in Farm Journal magazine where farmers and ranchers submit ideas they’ve invented to improve productivity and profitability on their operations. Readers receive cash prizes and are featured in the magazine with their idea. It has been one of Farm Journal’s best read columns for years.

Partnering with New Holland and their new “SMART” campaign, Farm Journal extended the content across its broad media platform, including “AgDay” television and “AgriTalk” radio, as well as using e-blasts and text-blasts of winning entries targeted to other producers in the winner’s local area. Farm Journal also provided press releases to the winner’s hometown newspaper(s) while New Holland extended the campaign to local dealers by providing winners with a coupon to New Holland dealerships. Farm Journal’s internet portal,, was used as a clearinghouse to collect entries—whether submitted in print, audio, or video. AgWeb also featured a $100 Ideas microsite that has seen triple-digit growth in traffic with this integrated campaign.

In accepting the award for Farm Journal, Steve Custer, executive vice president and chief operating officer, said to the awards audience, “This campaign was successful because of New Holland’s foresight, as a true partner, to respect our church-and-state bond with our audience. They linked their campaign message around the content without trying to influence it. That enhanced and expanded our footprint, creating a win for our audience and a win for our client.”

This is Farm Journal Media’s second min Integrated Marketing Award, having won in 2012 in the Editorial Excellence – Special Section B2B category for AgWeb’s popular Harvest maps.

Agribusiness, New Holland