2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Wheat Harvest Documentary Reviews

Cindy Zimmerman

nh-harvest-14-zackWe talked with a couple of the people at the showing last month of “The Great American Wheat Harvest” in Bismark, North Dakota and everyone seemed to give it two thumbs up.

“I think it will open people’s eyes if they see it as to how the whole industry works,” said Zack, a custom harvester from Girard, Kansas who was at the showing with his family. “I’ll let everybody know about it.”

A farming couple from North Dakota was excited to see people they knew on the big screen. “It was just great to see the whole run of the harvest…even though we’re farmers ourselves,” said Bonnie. “American people need to realize what wheat harvest entails and what it does for our country,” agreed her husband Lyle.

“Now everybody can understand what we do,” says Kim from Bowdon, ND, who works with a custom harvest family. Interviews with Great American Wheat Harvest viewers

nh-harvest-14-truckRick Solberg, a cash crop product specialist with New Holland based in Bismark, says there’s a lot of heavy machinery in the movie of all different colors. “There’s certainly a lot of pride working with New Holland and seeing that product in the field and people who own it,” said Solberg. “It’s real life. There’s a big cross section of different manufacturers and equipment in the harvest.”

New Holland is one of the sponsors of the documentary and so is John Deere, Case IH, MacDon, and Claas. Wheat harvesting is color blind! Interview with Rick Solberg, New Holland

New Holland 2014 Harvest Support

Audio, New Holland, Wheat