RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAFB Purchases Office Building

Chuck Zimmerman

NAFB LogoIn case you missed it, the National Association of Farm Broadcasting has purchased the office building where it is located. This was announced in President Janet Adkinson’s eChats President’s Report. Here’s an excerpt.

NAFB Executive Director Tom Brand put it this way, “Just like finding the perfect piece of farm land, the opportunity to purchase a building in a growing area, only comes around once.”

The facility includes five other business tenants who are in multi-year rental contracts. When discussing the idea with the bank and our NAFB investment professional, they agreed the move is a way to expand the organization’s portfolio.

“The purchase of the office building allows the association to diversify our investments, provides an additional income stream and helps the association continue to be financially sound.”

I actually missed the announcement myself until it was brought to my attention by a past president who has some concerns about the decision. What do you think?

Media, NAFB