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Farm Progress Show Keeps Growing

Jamie Johansen

2014-fpsFor the 9th consecutive year the ZimmComm Team will be at Farm Progress Show to cover all the happenings. A special thanks goes out to our generous sponsors New Holland, FMC, GROWMARK, Ag Leader, John Deere and Bayer CropScience for making all the news we bring you possible.

Growth projections for the Farm Progress Show site in Boone, Iowa, continue to exceed the original site development plans. Visitors at the 2014 show to be held next week Aug. 26, 27 and 28 will find the largest show held on this site to date, including an annex created in the north visitor parking lot, immediately outside Gate #1 to satisfy this increased need for more display area.

“The exhibitors with lots in the annex did not participate in the 2012 show,” says Matt Jungmann, Farm Progress national events manager. “Plus, some companies who have not exhibited for a while, such as McCormick and Caterpillar, are coming back.”

“A brand new exhibitor at the Iowa show is Beck’s Hybrids, from Atlanta, IN. Until now the company did not market in Iowa or exhibit at the Iowa show,” adds Jungmann. “Beck’s has announced a territory expansion into two crop reporting districts in eastern Iowa and three crop reporting districts in Missouri. We’re happy to have them at the show.”

This additional Annex space brings the permanent show site to Boone to 3.68 million square feet of exhibit area, nearly 85 acres. Since the Farm Progress Show held in Boone in 2008, the exhibitor count has grown by more than 100, now with more than 600 exhibitors. Additionally, the show occupies 300 acres for field demonstrations and test drive areas, plus an additional 150 acres for visitor parking.

Ag Groups, Farm Progress Show, Farm Shows