2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Ag Solutions Through Innovation

Cindy Zimmerman

basf-media14-kreimeyerBASF – The Chemical Company – will be celebrating a pretty significant milestone next year. The company was established in 1865, which means it will be 150 years old in 2015.

Andreas Kreimeyer, member of the board and Research Executive Director for BASF, says innovation is the reason they have survived so long. “Innovation is our life blood,” he said at the BASF Ag Media Summit today. “We create chemistry for a sustainable future.”

Listen to Kreimeyer’s brief presentation here on how the company’s mission relates to innovations that yield results for farmers. Andreas Kreimeyer, BASF

Right now I am on the bus heading out to the BASF Holly Springs research farm where we will see some of these new products in action.

2014 BASF Ag Media Summit Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF