RFA Ethanol Podcast

Missouri Cattlemen’s Raffling New Holland Equipment

Chuck Zimmerman

Missouri Cattlemens AssocationMy good friends at the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association are holding a raffle to win the use of some New Holland equipment, specifically a T6 tractor and Roll-Belt 560 round baler. Tickets are $20/ea. or 3 for $50. A drawing will be held at the MCA Convention on January 3, 2015. You can contact the office to buy tickets. If you sell tickets for them there are additional prizes for individuals and county affiliate groups that sell the most.

Since there is a New Holland Roll-Belt Facebook campaign to share baling tips it just caught my eye. If you’ve got some tips to share just go to FB to do so.

And while you’re online you might as well get registered at MyNewHolland.com.

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, New Holland